Saturday, July 16, 2011

KARL MARX (1818 - 1883)

Karl Marx, the main pioneer of the notion of "scientific socialism" was born in 1818 in the city of Trier, Germany, his father a lawyer and at the age of seventeen years of Karl entered the University of Bonn, also studied law. Later he moved to the University of Berlin and then to a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Jena.
Whether it was more interested, Marx plunged into the world of journalism and soon became editor of the Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne. However, radical political views who dragged him into all manner of trouble and forced him to move to Paris. That's where he first met initially with Friedrich Engels. Friendship and equality rope binding political views of these two men as a single bi until his death.
Marx could not long stay in Paris and was soon kicked out of there and must be carrying a suitcase to move to Brussels. In this city, in 1847 he first published his thoughts are important and the poverty of philosophy (philosophy of Poverty). The following year joined hands together with Friedrich Engels published their Communist Manifesto, a book that eventually became the world's literature. In that year, Marx returned to Cologne and then expelled again from there only a few months. After it dissipated dissipated here, finally crossing the Strait of Marx Canal and settled in London until his death.
Although there is little money in koceknya thanks to the journalistic work, Marx spent a large amount of his time in London to investigate and write books about politics and economics. (In those years, Marx and relatives can help the cost of living of her closest friend Friedrich Engels). The first volume of Das Kapital, Marx's most important scientific papers published in 1867. When Marx died in 1883, the second volume of the connections have not been fully completed. Both volumes were compiled and published joints oIeh Engels hold on to his notes and manuscripts left by Marx.
The work of Marx formulated the theoretical basis of Communism. Judging from the remarkable developments of this movement in the 20th century, it is worth, if she has a place in the high-order this book. The problem is, how high?
The main factor for this decision is the calculation of long-term significance in the history of the Communists. Since the growth of Communism as an integral part of contemporary history, was a bit difficult to define carefully its future perspectives. Although no one could ascertain how much Communism can grow and how long this ideology could survive, which is certain he is a strong ideology rooted in a strong and resilient and plunged to earth, and has certainly had a major influence in the world for at least several centuries to come

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