Thursday, July 12, 2018

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of the Monopoly offline application

This Application collects some Personal Data from its Users.

Data Controller and Owner

Types of Data collected

Among the types of Personal Data that this Application collects, by itself or through third parties, there are: Geographic position, Cookie and Usage Data. Other Personal Data collected may be described in other sections of this privacy policy or by dedicated explanation text contextually with the Data collection. The Personal Data may be freely provided by the User, or collected automatically when using this Application. Any use of Cookies - or of other tracking tools - by this Application or by the owners of third party services used by this Application, unless stated otherwise, serves to identify Users and remember their preferences, for the sole purpose of providing the service required by the User. Failure to provide certain Personal Data may make it impossible for this Application to provide its services. The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this Application and declares to have the right to communicate or broadcast them, thus relieving the Data Controller of all responsibility.

Mode and place of processing the Data

Methods of processing

The Data Controller processes the Data of Users in a proper manner and shall take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of the Data. The Data processing is carried out using computers and/or IT enabled tools, following organizational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, the Data may be accessible to certain types of persons in charge, involved with the operation of the site (administration, sales, marketing, legal, system administration) or external parties (such as third party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Owner. The updated list of these parties may be requested from the Data Controller at any time.


The Data is processed at the Data Controller's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved with the processing are located. For further information, please contact the Data Controller.

Retention time

The Data is kept for the time necessary to provide the service requested by the User, or stated by the purposes outlined in this document, and the User can always request that the Data Controller suspend or remove the data.

The use of the collected Data

The Data concerning the User is collected to allow the Application to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes: Access to third party services' accounts, Location-based interactions, Content commenting and Interaction with external social networks and platforms. The Personal Data used for each purpose is outlined in the specific sections of this document.

Facebook permissions asked by this Application

This Application may ask some Facebook permissions allowing it to perform actions with the User's Facebook account and to retrieve information, including Personal Data, from it. For more information about the following permissions, refer to the Facebook permissions documentation and to the Facebook privacy policy. The permissions asked are the following:

Basic information

By default, this includes certain User’s Data such as id, name, picture, gender, and their locale. Certain connections of the User, such as the Friends, are also available. If the user has made more of their data public, more information will be available.


Provides read access to the authorized user's check-ins


Provides access to the user's primary email address


Provides access to the list of all of the pages the user has liked.


Provides access to the photos the user has uploaded, and photos the user has been tagged in.

Publish App Activity

Allows the app to publish to the Open Graph using Built-in Actions, Achievements, Scores, or Custom Actions. The app can also publish other activity which is detailed in the Facebook's Publishing Permissions document.

Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data

Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

Access to third party services' accounts

These services allow this Application to access Data from your account on a third party service and perform actions with it. These services are not activated automatically, but require explicit authorization by the User.

Access to the Facebook account (This Application)

This service allows this Application to connect with the User's account on the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook Inc. Permissions asked: Checkins, Email, Likes, Photos and Publish App Activity. Place of processing : USA – Privacy Policy

Content commenting

Content commenting services allow Users to make and publish their comments on the contents of this Application. Depending on the settings chosen by the Owner, Users may also leave anonymous comments. If there is an email address among the Personal Data provided by the User, it may be used to send notifications of comments on the same content. Users are responsible for the content of their own comments. If a content commenting service provided by third parties is installed, it may still collect web traffic data for the pages where the comment service is installed, even when users do not use the content commenting service.

Facebook Comments (Facebook)

Facebook Comments is a content commenting service provided by Facebook Inc. enabling the User to leave comments and share them on the Facebook platform. Personal Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Place of processing : USA – Privacy Policy

Interaction with external social networks and platforms

These services allow interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this Application. The interaction and information obtained by this Application are always subject to the User’s privacy settings for each social network. If a service enabling interaction with social networks is installed it may still collect traffic data for the pages where the service is installed, even when Users do not use it.

Facebook Like button and social widgets (Facebook)

The Facebook Like button and social widgets are services allowing interaction with the Facebook social network provided by Facebook Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Place of processing : USA – Privacy Policy

Location-based interactions

Geolocation (This Application)

This Application may collect, use, and share User location Data in order to provide location-based services. Most browsers and devices provide tools to opt out from this feature by default. If explicit authorization has been provided, the User’s location data may be tracked by this Application. Personal Data collected: Geographic position.

Additional information about Data collection and processing

Legal Action

The User's Personal Data may be used for legal purposes by the Data Controller, in Court or in the stages leading to possible legal action arising from improper use of this Application or the related services. The User is aware of the fact that the Data Controller may be required to reveal personal data upon request of public authorities.

Additional information about User's Personal Data

In addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this Application may provide the User with additional and contextual information concerning particular services or the collection and processing of Personal Data upon request.

System Logs and Maintenance

For operation and maintenance purposes, this Application and any third party services may collect files that record interaction with this Application (System Logs) or use for this purpose other Personal Data (such as IP Address).

Information not contained in this policy

More details concerning the collection or processing of Personal Data may be requested from the Data Controller at any time. Please see the contact information at the beginning of this document.

The rights of Users

Users have the right, at any time, to know whether their Personal Data has been stored and can consult the Data Controller to learn about their contents and origin, to verify their accuracy or to ask for them to be supplemented, cancelled, updated or corrected, or for their transformation into anonymous format or to block any data held in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their treatment for any and all legitimate reasons. Requests should be sent to the Data Controller at the contact information set out above. This Application does not support “Do Not Track” requests. To determine whether any of the third party services it uses honor the “Do Not Track” requests, please read their privacy policies.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its Users on this page. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom. If a User objects to any of the changes to the Policy, the User must cease using this Application and can request that the Data Controller erase the Personal Data. Unless stated otherwise, the then-current privacy policy applies to all Personal Data the Data Controller has about Users.

Definitions and legal references

Personal Data (or Data)

Any information regarding a natural person, a legal person, an institution or an association, which is, or can be, identified, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.

Usage Data

Information collected automatically from this Application (or third party services employed in this Application ), which can include: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers utilized by the Users who use this Application, the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier), the time of the request, the method utilized to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server's answer (successful outcome, error, etc.), the country of origin, the features of the browser and the operating system utilized by the User, the various time details per visit (e.g., the time spent on each page within the Application) and the details about the path followed within the Application with special reference to the sequence of pages visited, and other parameters about the device operating system and/or the User's IT environment.


The individual using this Application, which must coincide with or be authorized by the Data Subject, to whom the Personal Data refer.

Data Subject

The legal or natural person to whom the Personal Data refers to.

Data Processor (or Data Supervisor)

The natural person, legal person, public administration or any other body, association or organization authorized by the Data Controller to process the Personal Data in compliance with this privacy policy.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The natural person, legal person, public administration or any other body, association or organization with the right, also jointly with another Data Controller, to make decisions regarding the purposes, and the methods of processing of Personal Data and the means used, including the security measures concerning the operation and use of this Application. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the Owner of this Application.

This Application

The hardware or software tool by which the Personal Data of the User is collected.


Small piece of data stored in the User's device.

Legal Information

Notice to European Users: this privacy statement has been prepared in fulfillment of the obligations under Art. 10 of EC Directive n. 95/46/EC, and under the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC, as revised by Directive 2009/136/EC, on the subject of Cookies. This privacy policy relates solely to this Application. Latest update: June 11, 2014.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Aztec People and Their Moment


When Hernando Cortez and his Spanish soldiers reached the Valley of Mexico in 1519, they found a splendid city standing on an island in a lake. Three wide causeways led to huge white palaces and ornate temples on pyramids.
This proud city was Tenochtitlán, capital of the Aztecs. Its grandeur showed their power and wealth. From the city their armies went out to conquer. To the city came tribute from subject peoples—foodstuffs, pottery, gold, jade, turquoise, and ornaments. Beside porters marched captive soldiers who were to be sacrificed on the altars of Aztec gods.
When the Spanish arrived, the Aztecs ruled the area from the Gulf of Mexico to the Cordilleras and southward into what is now Guatemala. However, their emperor, Montezuma II, did not have a firmly organized empire. When vassal tribes or cities revolted, he had no governors or standing armies to control them. He had to reconquer them. This weakness in government helped the Spaniards conquer the warlike Aztecs in about two years. Cortez was aided throughout his campaign by rebellious tribes.
The Aztecs had the most advanced civilization in North America at the time of Cortez, but they did not originate it. When they invaded the region, they took over the culture of earlier, advanced peoples— the Toltecs, Mayas, Zapotecs, and others. The barbarian Aztecs came to Mexico in about AD 1200.
Religion was the great controlling force in Aztec life. In architecture and sculpture they gave their best efforts to building and decorating huge temples. They had picture writing, hieroglyphics, and number symbols with which they recorded religious events and historic annals. They had learned from the Mayas how to determine the solar year accurately. With this knowledge their priests kept an exact solar calendar. An almanac gave dates for fixed and movable festivals and listed the various deities who held sway over each day and hour.
A trade system linked the far parts of the empire with Tenochtitlán. Soldiers guarded the traders, and troops of porters carried the heavy loads, for the Aztecs had no pack animals. Canoes brought the crops from nearby farms through the canals to markets in Tenochtitlán. Their chief produce included corn, beans, peppers, squash, alligator pears, tomatoes, tobacco, cotton, and turkeys. Trade was carried on by barter, since the Aztecs had not invented money. Change could be made in cacao beans.

Life in the Capital

The Aztecs used their wealth and power to provide a brilliant life in their capital. Montezuma lived in a splendid palace. He was surrounded by his nobles and served by thousands of slaves. In the palace grounds were beautiful gardens and menageries.
The city streets and palace walls were scrubbed dazzlingly white by sweating slaves. Bridges carried the streets over the network of canals which laced the city. An aqueduct brought drinking water from Chapultepec, a rocky height nearby.
Strange floating islands fringed the oval main island. They were made of mud dredged up from the lake bottom, supported on a network of branches and water grass. At first, the farmers could tow them with canoes. Then, as trees sent down roots, they became permanent island farms, called chinampas.
Farmers lived in wattle-and-daub huts on these islands. In the older sections of the city officials lived in houses of stone and adobe. Each house was built around a patio and raised on a platform for protection against lake floods. Most Aztecs were farmers. There were also traders and craftsmen.

Training of Children

Custom governed many details of child rearing—even the number of tortillas to be fed at various ages. Children were taught courtesy, respect for their elders, truthfulness, and self-control.
Aztec boys learned practical tasks from their fathers at home, then went to the house of youth (called telpuchcalli) at the age of 15. Here older men of each clan taught the boys the duties of citizenship, religious observances, the history and traditions of their people, and arts and crafts. Training for war included learning to use the javelin thrower (called the atlatl), bows and arrows, and wooden war clubs with sharp blades of obsidian. In another school, the calmecac, boys studied for the priesthood. Girls could learn to be priestesses in temple schools.

Tribal Organization

Aztec tribes were divided into families and clans. Each clan had its own elected officials and sent representatives to the council of the tribe. The council appointed officials to govern the four quarters (phratries) in which the city was organized. The council also elected and advised the supreme chief, who led the tribe in wars and alliances. A second chief supervised internal affairs. Although the system was theoretically democratic, actually the chiefs were selected from powerful families. The priesthood had a strong influence in tribal affairs but probably took no active part in government.
Land was held in common by the tribes. The council apportioned shares to heads of families. They controlled the land, however, only as long as it was cultivated. Sections were also farmed to provide food for chiefs and priests.
Strict laws and courts protected common citizens and even slaves from many forms of injustice. Crimes and disorder were severely suppressed. Theft of growing corn was punished by slavery or execution.
The Aztecs worshiped a host of gods who personified the forces of nature. To obtain the gods' aid, the worshipers performed penances and took part in innumerable elaborate rituals and ceremonies. Human sacrifice played an important part in the rites. Since life was man's most precious possession, the Aztecs reasoned, it was the most acceptable gift for the gods. As the Aztec nation grew powerful, more and more sacrifices were needed to keep the favor of the gods. At the dedication of the great pyramid temple in Tenochtitlán, 20,000 captives were killed. They were led up the steps of the high pyramid to the altar, where chiefs and priests took turns at slitting open their bodies and tearing out their hearts.
The Aztecs sometimes practiced cannibalism; that is, they ate the flesh of their victims, believing that they would then absorb the virtues of the slain. The sacrificed victims were thought to win a high place in paradise. The need for collecting captives led Aztec warriors to seek prisoners instead of killing their enemies in battle.
The Spaniards were horrified by these Aztec rites, and after the conquest they ruthlessly destroyed the temples in order to blot out the old faith. The friars who came to convert the Indians to Christianity and to educate them added to the destruction by burning records and shattering idols. They frequently built a Christian church on the rubble left when the old temple was torn down.

History of the Aztec Nation

The Aztecs are believed to have come from the north. They spoke the Nahuan, or Nahuatl, language. This tongue belongs to the Uto-Aztecan linguistic stock. It is related to the languages of the Piman and Shoshonean tribes of the western United States.
Their legends reveal the early Aztecs as a nomadic farming people, wandering about in search of fertile land. In the Valley of Mexico, they fought with the settled tribes and at times were forced to serve them. Finally they took refuge on islands in the shallow lakes and founded Tenochtitlán on the site of modern Mexico City in about 1325.
Here they prospered and reached out to win new lands. They allied themselves with other Nahua tribes. Soon the Tenocha Aztecs dominated the Aztec Confederacy. They were at the height of their power when the Spaniards attacked them. The Indians living in the Mexico City region today are largely descendants of those whom Cortez conquered.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


When the political atmosphere is not warm absurdly tall and sharp, was born in Rome a military man and politician famous Roman, Gaius Julius Caesar, in 100 BC.In the second century BC, after his victory in the War Punik Cartago subjecting the second, the Romans have already established an extensive empire. This conquest make them have a treasure in abundance. But, make war devastated socio-economic circumstances and many farmers were driven from their fields. The Roman Senate, which came from such a small city council, proved unable to manage the land that has been so widened efficiently. Political corruption is rampant and the whole Mediterranean region suffered greatly due to incompetence of the Roman government. In Rome itself, from the year 133 BC, is there chaos in the period of time. Politicians, generals and demagogues mutual wrest the seat of power and rebel forces (such as those led by Marius in 87 BC and led by Sulla in 82 BC) to move directly into the heart of Rome. Despite government fretfulness was clearly to everyone, most people still want to maintain the Roman system of republican government. Julius Caesar may be the first important political leaders who clearly see that the democratic government in Rome there was no boondoggle maintained, and it really has taken a long time no avail.Caesar himself originating in the old aristocratic family. He's got a good education and as a young man he had plunged into the world of politics. Who had held various positions, impressive political career growth, community relations ever made, will not be described in detail here. However, the year 58 BC when he was forty-two Julius Caesar was appointed as a governor who oversees the three provinces under the Romans: Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy); Illyricum (coastal area is now Yugoslavia), and Narbanese Gaul (now the French coast). Under the commander at that time there were four Roman army consisting of 20,000 troops.During the years between 58-51 BC, Caesar uses troops stormed and conquered the rest of Gaul, a region roughly consists of France and Belgium now, here are the parts of Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. Although the number of troops teramatlah little, he managed to hit the people Gallik and simultaneously expand the Roman territory to reach the Rhine River. He also sent two expeditions to Britain, but failed to conquer it permanently.Caesar's conquest of Gaul to make - that it has become a political leader - a hero when he returned to Rome. And in the eyes of his political opponents even too popular and too powerful. When the military command control over, he was ordered by the Roman Senate to return to Rome and became a regular citizen. Which means without any troops at all. Caesar worries, and fears are groundless, because if he returned to Rome without an army, his political opponents would use the opportunity to destroy it. Therefore, on the night 10-11 January 49 BC, in open opposition to the Senate, Caesar led his army across the Rubicon River in northern Italy and to Rome. This is a step to break the rules, and none other than a novice civil war between Caesar's forces on the one hand against the forces loyal to the Senate on the other. Fighting raged no less than four years which eventually won by Caesar. Determine the final battle that occurred in Munda, Spain, on March 7, 45 BC.Caesar concluded that an efficient despotism was that he needed the Romans could do it. He returned to Rome in October of 45 BC and soon became dictator for life. In February 44 BC he was offered the crown, but flatly refused. Although he was a military dictator, is not convincing enough to steady the wing opponents of the republic. Dated March 15, 44 BC, Caesar was killed in a Senate hearing by the hands of a gang.In the last days of his life, Caesar devise various improvement programs. He planned the placement of veterans and the poor soldiers in the Roman population in a new society in the whole empire. She also extend Roman citizenship to give an opportunity to enter the various classes. She planned to lay the groundwork for the uniform administration of all city governments across the country. And do not forget to plan development and codification of Roman law. Who fail to do is to construct a satisfactory system for the constitution of the Roman government. And this is probably the major cause of his downfall.Because the difference between victory one year with the murder of Caesar at Munda him in a Senate hearing in Rome, many of his plans could not be applied. Because it is difficult to perfection government estimated how that would be enjoyed if Caesar can continue to live. Of all the improvements, the most sustainable due to the introduction of a new calendar. The introduction of this new calendar, with a little refinement, remained unused since then.Julius Caesar was one of the political figures that have charisma in the history of power, inherent in its various form of talent. He was a successful politician, a brilliant general, a dazzling orator, and a good writer. Book he wrote (De bello Gallico) depicts the conquest of Gaul affairs, has long been considered a classic work of literature. In the opinion of many students, the book most readable and most interesting of all the literary classics. Caesar innately courageous, energetic, and handsome. Not one note, Caesar was also a famous ladies' man, a Don Yuan, even by him, including his time was topnotch. (Adventures of the most famous love of course - a tumultuous romance with Cleopatra).Caesar character often became targets of criticism. His ambition for power is too great, and he really did use his position to enrich themselves. But, unlike most politicians who are ambitious, he is not cunning and plintat-plintut, nor hypocritical. Caesar was a tough and ruthless when fighting Gaul. On the other hand, he is very friendly to people who already breaking down of the Roman opponents.This is an indication of the reputation attached to him. Therefore, both the title of king of the German "Kaiser" and the king of Russian "Czar", derived from the name Caesar. He was always more famous than his nephew grandson of August Caesar, the founder of the real character of the Roman empire. But the real influence of Julius Caesar to the history is not equivalent to the fame name. Sure enough, he held an important role in the fall of the Roman Republic. But the significance is not be overstated, because the republics that have actually been staggered by itself.Caesar is the most important works on the conquest Gaul. Who conquered the area remained under Roman rule for nearly five centuries. In the long period, it "diromawikan." Laws, customs, customs, language, and Roman Christianity. French is now the basic principle originating from the Latin period.Caesar's conquest of Gaul is also an important influence on the Romans themselves, as it provides protection for the Italians over the centuries of attacks from the north. Behold the conquest of Gaul is a safety factor for the entire Roman empire.Did the Romans - sooner or later - able to conquer Gaul without Julius Caesar? They do not have the advantages of technology or the excess amount than the Gaul tribes. But on the other hand, the Romans had extended their area in the days before Caesar conquered Gaul, as well as afterwards. Assess the effectiveness of the Roman military terms at the time and there are cracks in the body of Gallic tribes, it seems unlikely that Gaul could survive as an independent nation. However, it is no doubt Caesar was a general who had actually conquered a large army and conquered Celtic Gaul. And her inclusion on the list because this book is primarily from what he had done it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


French chemist and biologist, Louis Pasteur, is generally considered to be the son of ace ace in the history of medicine. Pasteur is presenting a lot of their contributions is important for the interests of science. But the most striking to him was his opinion on the theory of disease bacillus and the development of prevention techniques through injection.

Pasteur was born in the town of Dole in 1822, the eastern part of France. As a student in Paris he was to deepen knowledge. His genius is not visible when a student even one Grand Masters Pasteur considers "moderate" course in chemistry. Only after he obtained his doctorate in 1847, Pasteur proved false professors of speech. Study of the treaty acid (tartaric acid) on the glass lift to the degree that famous chemist when he was only twenty-six years.

Then he turned his attention to the investigation of the fermentation and proving that the process is exactly like a similar process occurs in other micro-organisms can memprodusir results are not desired in terms of beverage fermentation. This opinion was soon led other kegagasan that kind of micro-organisms can also produce things that are not expected and may take effect either on humans or animals.Pasteur was not the first to memasalahkan theory of disease bacillus. Similar hypothesis has been developed by Girolamo Fracastoro first, Friedrich Henle and many others. However, the most prominent Pasteurlah in terms of the germ theory of disease is demonstrated through a series of experiments and demonstrations are a major factor and convince people that his theory is true intellectuals.If the disease is caused by a bacillus, it seems plausible that preventing the entry of bacilli into the human body, the disease can be avoided. Pasteur therefore emphasize the importance of antiseptic methods for the doctors, and he had a major influence on Joseph Lister introduced antiseptic way into the field of surgery.Harmful bacteria that can enter the human body through food and drinks. Pasteur developed a technique (usually called pasteurization) to destroy micro-organisms in beverages. This technique, if practiced, can destroy the contaminated milk pests as the cause of the infection.When approaching the mid-fifties age, Pasteur turned his attention again to the investigation of animal disease bacillus, a type of serious infectious disease that attacks cattle and other animals, but not humans. Pasteur was able to show that the type of bacillus was the cause of illness. Other more important works is the development of techniques to produce patterns of livestock disease bacillus that has been attenuated. By injection into the animal's body, which was attenuated bacillus of this disease can cause a mild illness and did not result in fatal allowing the cattle acquire immunity to face the normal disease. Pasteur's public demonstration of the effectiveness of the technique immunize animals from livestock disease bacillus caused a stir. Soon realized that the general method can be used for the prevention of assorted social ills.Pasteur in his laboratoryPersonal discovery of Pasteur's most famous is the development of injection technique on humans to prevent the dreaded disease rabies. Other scientists, by mimicking the basic idea of ​​Pasteur, has since developed a vaccine to prevent other serious diseases such as typhoid and poliomyelitis.Pasteur, who likes a lot of excellent work, creating inventions are less important but still useful for the fragrance name. Is none other than his discovery - the discovery of meaning than others - which conclusively demonstrate that micro-organisms do not grow through breeding. Pasteur also discovered anaerobiosis phenomena, such as micro-organisms can survive anything in the absence of air or oxygen. Pasteur's work on silkworm diseases bring a high commercial value. Another discovery is the development of vaccines to prevent cholera outbreaks in poultry and poultry diseases that attack. Pasteur's last breath in 1895 near Paris.People often make comparisons between the Pasteur by Edward Jenner, English physicist who developed the vaccine for the prevention of smallpox. Although Jenner did 80 years before Pasteur, I consider the importance of Jenner is not for Pasteur, since pengebalannya system applies only to one type of disease course, while the Pasteur system can - and has been proven - effective to immunize against many diseases.As from mid-19th century, the needs of the world's population lives almost doubling hpat. Added requirement that absurdly fast and wide-reaching was more severe than what happened in the history of mankind. As a result, modern knowledge and the medical world we actually have to serve a second period of life. If the addition of this extra term can be attributed to solely the work of Pasteur business, I do not hesitate and falter again in the first place in the list order this book. However, Pasteur donation is so fundamental, so no question that Pasteur had a large stake in preventing the death rate at the end of this century

Michael H. Hart

Sunday, May 20, 2012

ADOLF HITLER 1889-1945

His influence is entirely blasted and I have no respect for people who taste their importance lies in the cause of death of about thirty-five million people. But there's no way to deny the fact that Hitler had a tremendous influence on people who are not playing much.Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Braunau, Austria. As a teenager he was a failed artist who neglected and at times in his young age he became a fanatical German nationalist. During World War I, he entered the German Army, was wounded and received two medals for bravery.The defeat of Germany membikinnya devastated and angry. In 1919, when he turned thirty years old, he joined the small right-wing party in Munich, and soon the party changed its name to the Nationalist German Workers Party (Nazi summarized). In the past two years he rose to be a leader without a rival in the German nickname called "Fuehrer."Under the leadership of Hitler, the Nazi party with incredible speed and become a force in November 1923 kupnya experiment failed. Coup known as "The Munich Beer Hall Putsch." Hitler was arrested, accused traitor, and found guilty. However, he was released from prison after languishing there for less than a year.In 1928 the Nazi party is still a small party. However, a massive depression make people dissatisfied with the political parties are large and well-established. In these circumstances the Nazi party became stronger, and in the month of January 1933, when forty-four years old, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.With the job, quickly and deftly Hitler dictatorship established by using the apparatus of government confront all opposition. Keep in mind, this process is not through the erosion of civil liberties and rights defend themselves against criminal charges, but worked with the blade of lightning and the Nazi party often does not bother with the procedures of the filing at all. Many political opponents beaten, even killed on the spot. Even so, before the outbreak of World War 2, Hitler won support of most of the population of Germany because he managed to suppress the amount of unemployment and economic improvements.Hitler then designed a way to conquests ultimately bring the world into the arena of World War 2. He won the first battle with virtually no passing at all. Britain and France surrounded by various kinds of economic difficulties, because it wants peace so that they did not care when Hitler betrayed the Versailles Agreement by establishing the German Armed Forces. Similarly, they do not care when Hitler occupied the Rhineland and strengthen the fort (1936), and likewise when Hitler annexed Austria (March 1938). Even while they received nod when Hitler annexed the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia border fortifications. International agreement known as the "Munich Pact" by Britain and France are expected as a result of the purchase of "Peace of all time" were trampled and left them stunned when Hitler seized Czechoslovakia a few months later partly because Czechoslovakia utterly helpless. At each stage, Hitler cleverly combining arguments to justify his actions with the threat that he would be war if the desire be ignored, and at each stage of democratic countries feel afraid and fell backwards.However, Britain and France resolved defend Poland, Hitler's next target. First Hitler protect themselves by signing the pact "not to attack each other" month of August 1939 with Stalin (essentially aggression treaty agreements because they agreed how to divide the two Poles for their own interests). Nine days later, Germany invaded Poland and sixteen days after the Soviet Union did the same. Although Britain and France declared war on Germany, Poland soon be conquered.Hitler's greatness is the peak year of 1940. In April, the Armed Forces confront Denmark and Norway. In May, he hit the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg. In June, the French bend your knees. But in Britain last year was also fiercely against German air raids, known by the nickname "Battle of Britain" and Hitler was never able to set foot on British earth.German forces conquered Greece and Yugoslavia in April 1941. And in June the same year Hitler tore up the "non-aggression agreement" with the Soviet Union and the opening attack. German Army to occupy the vast territory of Russia, but was unable to disable it completely before winter. Although Britain and Russia fought opponents, unmitigated Hitler declared war with the United States in December 1941 and a few days later berated the United States Japan, ransacked the Navy base at Pearl Harbor.In mid-1942 the Germans had mastered the lion's share of Europe that never could be done by anyone else in history. Moreover, he ruled North Africa. The turning point battles occurred in the second half of 1942 when Germany was defeated in the battle of El-Alamein complex in Egypt and Stalingrad in Russia. After this setback, the good fortune which was shading the Germans gradually, steadily fade away. However, despite the defeat of Germany seemed inevitable, Hitler refused to surrender. Not that he was getting scared, even penggasakan continue for more than two years after Stalingrad. The bitter end of the story occurs in the spring of 1945. Hitler committed suicide in Berlin on 30 April and seven days after the Germans surrendered.During his power, Hitler engaged in acts of mass murder is no match in the history of the bench. He was a fanatical racist, special to the Jews did with the rancorous bubbling. He publicly announced kill every Jew in the world. In his reign, exile kampkamp large Nazi building, equipped with gas chambers. In each area the territory, innocent people, men, women and children were herded and thrown into a cattle car pulled next to his life in the gas chambers. In a period of just a few years around six million Jews were repatriated to the afterlife.Jews are not the only group who are victims of Hitler. In the reign of dictatorship, the people of Russia and Gypsy are also cleared, as well as people who happen to be considered include low or racial enemies of the state. Never imagined the killing is done spontaneously, or in hot conditions and the heat of battle. But Hitler was building a camp mautt with meticulous organization as if he designed a large business enterprise. Structured data, the amount specified, and the corpses were systematically stripped of his body members as valuable as gold teeth and wedding rings. Also many of the bodies used to make soap factory. So rigorous plan to assassinate Hitler that even in the recent war is over, when the Germans lack the ingredients to make use of both civilian and military, the car continued to roll toward the cattle camps in the framework of the murder of non-military terror mission.In many ways, it's obvious notoriety of Hitler will be finished. First, he is widely considered the world's most wretched of human history. If people like Nero and Caligula is one of the steps are not very meaningful when compared to Hitler and Hitler still remains a symbol of the atrocities during the 20th century, seemingly melesetlah if the forecast is so bad that Hitler did not unchallenged reputation in history will be remembered for decades people centuries.The scene at the Buchenwald concentration campMore than that, of course, Hitler will be remembered as the culprit of the outbreak of World War 2, the greatest war that ever occurred on earth. Advancement of nuclear weapons will happen as the impossibility of large-scale war in the future. Therefore, even two or three thousand years from now, World War 2 may still be considered a big event in history.Furthermore, Hitler would remain popular because the whole story concerning him is so creepy and interesting, how a stranger (Hitler was born in Austria, not Germany), how a man who had no political experience at all, no money, no political ties, capable of - in a period of less than fourteen years old - became the leader of a prominent world power, is truly amazing. His ability as an orator truly remarkable. Measured by its ability to mobilize the masses in the critical actions, it can be said that Hitler was the greatest orator in history. Finally, how dirty the lift to the summit of power, once held in check his hands will not be soon forgotten.Perhaps no figure in history has so much influence on his generation than Adolf Hitler. In addition to the tens of millions of people who die in a war that he was the culprit, or those who died in concentration camps, there are still millions and millions of people are displaced Ramanujan without shelter or who live apart by war.Other estimates of the effect of Hitler should consider two factors. First, many of which actually happened under his leadership would never have happened if no Hitler. (In this regard he is very different from figures such as Charles Darwin or Simon Bolivar). Of course it is true that the situation in Germany and Europe to provide an opportunity for Hitler. Military service and anti-Jewish passion, for example, did amaze the listeners. No visible signs, for example, that generally the Germans in the 1920's or 1930's intended to have a government like that driven by Hitler, and very few signs that the other German leaders will do the same Hitler. What does the little Hitler had never expected to happen by analysts.Second, the entire Nazi movement is controlled by a leader of up to an incredible level. Marx, Lenin, Stalin and other leaders alike have a role to the growth of Communism. However, National Socialism did not have before the advent of Hitler's top leader, nor was there afterwards. Hitler led the party into power and stay on top. When he died, the Nazi party and the government he leads off with him.However, despite the influence of Hitler on his generation was so large, the result of his actions in the future is not how big it seems. Hitler failed miserably completing arguably the ideal targets are everywhere, and the consequences that appear on the next generation of even the opposite of what he wanted. For example, Hitler intended to spread the influence of German and German territory. However, areas of conquests, although very broad, only to be brief and temporary. And now even West Germany and East Germany when put together are still smaller than the Republic of Germany when Hitler to be the head of government.Is the impulse of lust Hitler wanted to slaughter the Jews. But fifteen years after Hitler came to power, an independent Jewish state stands for the first time after 2000 years. Hitler hated communism and the Soviet Union either. However, after its death, and partly due to the commencement of the war, Russia even expand his territory in the vast territory of Eastern Europe and the influence of Communism in the world even growing. Hitler intended to crush the democracy even destroy, not only in other countries but in Germany itself. However, West Germany is now a democratic country and the people who run seem to be more hated dictatorship than any generation before the time of Hitler.Nazi troops in 1933Whether there is a strange combination of an unusually large influence on when he came to power with such a mini influence on subsequent generations? Effects caused Hitler at the time of his life was so enormous that it is obvious Hitler deserved to be placed in the order a bit high on the list this book.Even so, of course he must be placed under such figures as Shih Huang Ti, Augustus Caesar and Genghis Khan that his actions affect the world with a range long after his death. An almost parallel position with Hitler is Napoleon and Alexander the Great. In such a short time, Hitler was able to tear apart the world is much more severe than the two men. Hitler placed under the order because they have a longer effect.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Born in 1732 in Wakefield, Virginia, was a farm kid, George Washington inherited a large estate parcel at the age of twenty-seven years. From the year 1753-1758 Washington went into the army, took an active part in the French army opposed to Indian wars, and gained much experience and praise. He returned to Virginia late in 1758, and took retirement. Soon after he married Martha Dandridge Custis widow with two children wealthy. (He himself had never had children).

Washington in the next fifteen years managing the plantation with a neat management. In 1774, when he was elected representative of Virginia attended the First Continental Congress, he was the richest man in the American colonies. Washington is not the first to call for independence, but in the month of June 1775 in the second Continental Congress (which he also became vice-Virginia), he was elected commander of the army throughout the Continental. Military experience, his wealth and reputation, pieces of his body (muscular height 1.9 m), administratomya talent and - above all - the establishment and nature of the firm, supported so as to occupy that position. Throughout the battle done without reward money and gave examples of selfless devotion.

The successful completion of Washington's most prominent about the year 1775 when he led the Continental army and in the month of March 1797 when her presidency that the two ends. He breathed his last at his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia, in December 1799.The key position is crucial in order to establish a United States departed from the three kinds of roles he played.First, he was a successful military leader in the war of American independence. True, Washington was not a military genius, is not more prominent than Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar. But, keep in mind, while many American commanders suffered heavy defeats, Washington (although it also suffered some minor losses) are still able to continue the battle and carrying the banner of victory.Second, Washington became chairman of the constitutional convention. Despite Washington's ideas does not play a determining role in the American constitution, but his encouragement, his good name, so when determining the endorsement. At that time there challenges to the new constitution, and that without the influence of Washington it was difficult to accept the constitution.Third, Washington is the first Republican president of the United States. The United States really deserve to feel lucky to have the first president to have a great weight and force of character. Just take a look and compare it with so many examples of countries in Latin America and Africa that although the base was established through a democratic constitution, but very quickly drop back to military dictatorship. While Washington to firmly maintain the republic of disunity without the accompaniment of constant ambition to power. He was not going to be a king or dictator. She was the one who instilled the need to rule the transfer of power from one hand to another through peaceful means. This rule is still practiced in the United States today.George Washington is not a pure and sharp thinker as well as other American leaders of his day such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin. However, he is more superior than all of them. You see, Washington - either at war or at peace - always give a donation in the form of strength of character in the leadership of the government, that without him there would be no political measures that work. Madison shares a role in the establishment of the Republic of the United States is important, but in this connection what Washington was almost as important and decisive.George Washington's inclusion in the list order this book largely depends on the historical assessment of the establishment of a Republican United States. Impartial determination regarding the significance of the founding of the United States certainly would not be done by an American living today. Although the U.S. mid-20th century to hold a position of military superiority and political influence is even greater than what was once owned by the Roman Empire at its peak, but his political power does not last long as the Romans. Instead, it was obvious that some technological advances that have achieved the United States are considered by the sense of other cultures and other times. The discovery of the aircraft - for example - and the human landing on the moon has to realize the dream of times past and it seems inconceivable that the invention of nuclear weapons can be proved.Because George Washington an American political figure who can generally be attributed to Augustus Caesar of Rome, it seems worth putting Washington's position in the list is almost adjacent to Augustus. If Washington is placed further down, this is solely because of his tenure is shorter than the reign of Augustus, and as many characters (such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madision) also plays an important role in the establishment of the Republic of the United States. However, the position of the order of George Washington is higher than figures like Alexander the Great and Napoleon as the work of Washington and the successes he had done so have a range of further implications and sustainable.

Friday, May 18, 2012

LENIN 1870-1924

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin political leader most responsible for the establishment of Communism in Russia. As a staunch adherents of Karl Marx and the faithful, Lenin laid the political foundation that can only be imagined by Karl Marx one. Lenin was so rapid spread of Communism throughout the world, he must be recognized as one of the most influential in human history.

Born in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk in his honor instead so) in 1870. His father was an obedient servant but his brother Alexander was a radical who was sentenced to death for taking part in a plot to kill Tsar. At the age of twenty-three Lenin had become an ardent Marxist. In December 1895 he was arrested by the Tsar for his revolutionary activities and put in prison for fourteen months. After that he was exiled to Siberia.

For three years in Siberia (which does not seem digubrisnya as torture) he married a woman who also wrote the book berfaham revolutionary and Growth of Capitalism in Russia. The period of exile in Siberia ended in February 1900 and several months later Lenin traveled to Western Europe. No less than seventeen years he wandered, becoming a professor revolutionary. When the Social-Democratic Labour Party of Russia which Lenin so members broke into two parts, so the leadership of Lenin larger fragments, the Bolsheviks.

World War I open up great opportunities for Lenin. The war was disastrous for both military and the Russian economy and consequently increase the discontent of the people to the Tsarist system of government. Finally, the tsarist government was overthrown in March 1917 and for the time being it seems Russia is led by a democratic government. Upon hearing the fall of the Tsar, Lenin hurriedly returned to. Russia and on arrival in his native country he can quickly view and conclude that the democratic parties - even though they had set up a provisional government - did not have enough strength and power is very good condition Communist Party had made a strong discipline to handle the situation under control even if its members a bit. Therefore, the Bolsheviks Lenin pushed forward jump mengguhngkan interim government and replace it with a Communist government. Trial in July uprising failed and forced Lenin into hiding. The second trial in November 1917 and Lenin had become the new head of state.As head of government, Lenin hard but on the other hand he is very pragmatic. At first he was proposing an uncompromising pressure of a short transition toward a society whose economy is entirely based on socialism. When this is not the way, Lenin gracefully back and take the road system of the capitalist-socialist mixed economy. It runs in the Soviet Union for several years.In May 1922 Lenin was ill, so that the attack was sick to death of Lenin in 1924 practically can not do anything about it. Once dead, his body was carefully embalmed and preserved, was laid in the mausoleum in Red Square today.Important feature of Lenin is that he's a fast-acting, so she was the one who established a Communist government in Russia. He embraced the teachings of Karl Marx and translated in the form of real practical political action. Since November 1917 there has been expansion of Communist power throughout the world. Now, about a third of world population embraced the Communist ideology.Even though the significance of Lenin lies in a practical political leader, Lenin also support the influence through the writings. Lenin's thoughts are not incompatible with Marx but there is a change in pressure. Lenin too impressed by the tactics of the revolution and he felt had a special advantage in this affair. He constantly stressed the need for the use of force: "There is no problem whatever in relation to class struggle can be resolved without violence," is a trademark. Marx linked the need for the dictatorship of the proletariat only occasionally, but Lenin was too tempted by it. For example, saying: "The dictatorship of the proletariat instead of none other than the power based on violence that has no limits, either the legal limit and the limit of absolute rule."Lenin's idea of ​​the dictatorship is actually more important politically than economically. Most basic feature of the Soviet government was not in the field of political economy (a lot of socialist governments in many countries) but the more basic features of the technique lies in maintaining political power for an indefinite period. As from when Lenin lived, not a single Communist government anywhere in the world - once-powerful standing with - can be deposed. With the careful supervision of all institutions of power in the country - mass media, banks, churches, trade unions and others - seem to have eroded the Communist government for the possibility of overthrowing the government. There could be weak points in strength, but no one could find it.Communism obviously clear bin is great movements that have historical significance. It is not really clear who can be considered the most influential in this movement, Marx or Lenin. I think Marx has more meaning because he precedes pentirig and influence of Lenin. But this assumption can still be denied because of the ability of Lenin's politics is a factor that is very complicated in terms of establishing Communism in Russia. Without the role of Lenin, the Communists it must wait years to have any chance of holding power and will face a more organized resistance. Therefore, it is not impossible not to succeed. In terms of establishing the significance of Lenin, one must not forget how short the days of holding. Also, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the Soviet Union more than a replacement thanks to Lenin, Stalin tougher.Throughout his life Lenin was a hard worker and diligent. He is a well-known and the number of books he wrote no less than 55 vol. He dedicated his whole life to the goals of the revolution, and although he loved his family, he did not want to work undisturbed. Ironically, let him spend the whole age in the experiment to eliminate oppression, achievements of the struggle is the destruction of all aspects of personal freedom.

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