Saturday, July 16, 2011

ISAAC NEWTON 1642-1727

Nature and the laws of nature hidden in the night.
God said, Let Newton there! And everything will be bright

Isaac Newton, scientists largest and most influential ever lived, was born in Woolsthrope, England, right on Christmas day 1642, the year coinciding with the death of Galileo. Like the Prophet Muhammad, he was born after his father died. In the boy he had shown real skill in the field of mechanics and very skillful use of his hands. Although children with a brilliant brain, the school seemed reluctant and did not attract much attention. When stepping on baliq passage, her mother out of school in the hope their children can be a good farmer. Fortunately the mother could be persuaded, that the main talent lies not in there. At age eighteen he entered the University of Cambridge. This is where Newton is quick to absorb what was then known to science and mathematics and very quickly as well start doing its own investigation. Between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-seven years he has laid the foundations of the theory of knowledge which in turn then change the world.
Mid-17th century was a period of hatchery science. The discovery near the beginning of the century telescope that has revolutionized the entire opinion about the science of astrology. English philosopher Francis Bacon and the French philosopher Rene Descartes both call upon scientists across Europe so that no longer rely on the authority of Aristotle, but to experiment and research on the basic point of departure and his own purposes. What was put forward by Bacon and Descartes, has been practiced by the great Galileo. The use of telescopes, new findings by Newton for astronomical research has revolutionized the field investigation, and he did in the mechanics sector has resulted in what is now known as "Newton's laws of motion" of the first.

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