Monday, June 13, 2011


The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is not the first book that brought the public into the discussion so far only attracted a handful of biblical scholars. By post-modern commentary on new archaeological findings are not new. Talk about it getting warmer in these five decades, along with the discovery of "The Dead Sea Scrolls text" or the Dead Sea Scrolls in a cave near Qumran in the desert of Judea in the 1950s, and the text of the Coptic Church in Nag Hammadi region of Egypt, 1945.

Writing and the fragment was told about Jesus in the context of understanding of various communities. Contents outside the four gospels or the New Testament which for two centuries was officially recognized by the church. As we know, the fourth gospel is the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The scholar then called the new findings as the gospel of Mary, Peter, Philip, Thomas, and Q. And apparently, there is no other gospel gospel which is now supporting. Gospels from the outside who all now do not support the divinity of Jesus, the church is considered gospel "apocryphal" or gospel weak / doubtful.
in the eyes of Dan Brown, the new text is one of the surviving evidence of the doctrine of 'pressure' Roman empire under Constantine. But Christian scholars assessing the new findings could not be disputed with the contents of the four official gospels. Official Church "aside", because the texts unilaterally by the churches '​​deemed' has been written in a span of time away from the life of Jesus.

Then Brown's claims about the divinity of Jesus that emerged after the Council of Nicaea was not compatible with the early church document which states that early Christians believed that Jesus is King, God, and Saviour. Indeed, after Jesus was crucified, the early expressions of Christianity is very diverse.

All this stems from Brown's interest in Leonardo Da Vinci and mysteries hidden within the paintings. At that time he was studying art history at the University of Seville in Spain. Years later, when he was doing research for third novel, Angels & Demons, and the Vatican secret archives, he was faced with the Da Vinci enigma anymore. Since then he's specifically interested in the paintings of Da Vinci. In an interview, Brown said that the necessary research for a year before he wrote The Da Vinci Code

Brown is not unaware of the potential controversy that is contained in his novel. Speaking at a forum in Concord, New Hampshire, in May last year, he even said briefly considered to include also the notion that Jesus survived the crucifixion. He concluded that based on "credible sources". He eventually ignore it because "more three or four steps further." Brown did raise the topics of the church far more sparkling. Intentional or not, Brown's novel mixes fact and fiction that has re-opened an episode of controversial church so long.

By modest, Brown admitted choosing this controversial topic for personal reasons: "Especially as an exploration of my own religion and my ideas about religion. I believe that one reason why this book to be controversial is that religion is something very difficult to discuss in quantitative terms. I consider myself as a student of many religions. My sincere intention is that The Da Vinci Code, in addition to entertaining the reader, is also a door opener for the reader to initiate the exploration of their own religion. "

Uniquely, The Da Vinci Code did not reap the blasphemy from the Vatican. Although it hot and undermine the Christian faith, fatwa death and burning of books like ever done on the medieval church did not happen. In fact, according to its publisher, Doubleday, Brown is now focusing on new works. Former teacher on its website on the internet states open for debate which would appear to face.

Is the indifference of the church reflects that there had indeed been controversial ?
Source: insani Magazine, April 2005

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