Monday, June 13, 2011


Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Scholars unparalleled throughout all ages. Included because of his "relativity" theory. Actually this theory is a theory linking the two to each other: the special theory of "relativity" which formulated in 1905 and the general theory of "relativity" which formulated in 1915, better known to the law of Einstein gravity. Both theories are very complicated, because it is not the place here to explain as it is, however rudimentary description of the problem of special relativity there is little mention. Proverb says, "everything is relative." Einstein's theory is not just chewing on that phrase that was almost boring. He is referring to an exact mathematical opinion about the scientific principles that actually relative. Essentially, subjective assessment of time and space depends on the adherent. Before Einstein, people generally believe that always there behind the subjective impression of absolute space and time that can be objectively measured with the equipment. Einstein's theories overturned by revolutionary scientific thinking by refusing the existence of the absolute time. The following example to illustrate just how radical his theory, he said he revolutionized how we think about space and time.

For years people away from the "theory of relativity" is like away from the hypothesis "ivory tower,"as if that theory had no significance at all. Nobody - certainly not - make the mistake until the year 1945 when the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki sweep. Of the conclusions "theory of relativity," Einstein is the matter and energy are in a sense be balanced with and the relationship between the two formulated as E = mc2. E shows the energy and m indicates the mass of the object, while c is the speed of light. Well, because c is the same with 180,000 kilometers per second (that is a very large number of digits) by itself c2 (which means cxc) karuan tepermanai just not large in number. As such means, although the conversion of a fraction of objects able to spend an enormous amount of energy.

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