Sunday, May 15, 2011


God is the best architect, he can create our perfect body,,
did you know what our body doing in 24 hours
1. The heart beats 103,689 times
2. Blood 168 million miles traveled
3. Breathe as much as 23,040 times
4. Inhaling the air as much as 483 cubic meters
5. Ingestion of 1.5 kg of food
6. Meminum 3,5 liter cairan
7. Said as many as 25 000 words
8. Moving the muscle 750
9. Nails grow 0.0012 cm
10.Hair grow 0.94353 cm
11.Brain cells continue to work as many as 7000000

this is so cool, n wonderfull
This always happens every day
(Raymond Erwin)

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