Tuesday, May 17, 2011

power of woman

Once, there was a boy who asked his mother. "Mom, why are you crying?". Her mother replied, "because the mother is a woman's son". "I do not understand" the boy said again. Her mother just smiled and hugged her tightly. "Son, you really will never understand"
Then the boy asked his father. "Dad, why do mothers crying? Seems mothers cry for no obvious reason?", The father replied, "all women are crying without obvious reasons." Is that the answer given his father. Much later, the child grows into adolescence and still wondering why women cry. One night, she dreamed of and asked the gods "O God, why do women cry so easily?" In the dream God responded, When I put myself a woman, I make it a very major. I put myself shoulder to be able to withstand the entire weight of the world and its contents, even if so, the shoulder should be quite comfortable and soft to withstand the sleeping baby's head. Keberikan woman to give birth and the power to remove the baby from her womb, even though he often receives scorn and abuse from his son. I gave her sensitive feelings and love saying to love all children, under no circumstances and under any circumstances. Although not rare kids that hurt his feelings. This feeling is also that will provide warmth on a sleepy baby to hold back asleep. The touch is what will give comfort while gently cuddled him. I gave her the strength to guide her husband to go through hard times and became a patron for him. Because the rib is not that protect the heart so as not torn? I gave her wisdom and ability to provide understanding and realize that is a good husband never hurts his wife. Though often, the policy test given to her husband's fidelity. And finally, keberikan tears to shed for her feelings. This is what keberikan specific to women, to be used whenever he wanted. Only weakness is owned by women, although in fact, these tears were tears of life " So close ourselves to the mother kalu he is still alive, because we find heaven at their feet

Monday, May 16, 2011


Clown clothes as we know it today actually the result of the ever popular costume developments in German and English around the 18th century AD. at that time,pickellherring pantomime style was so popular.
character, clothes and shoes too big, colorful headscarves, as well as a large circular lace around the neck.
In the 18th century AD, the clown started to become an important part of the circus. Attractions sirkus usually filled by a tense scene acrobat. The presence of these strange creatures that can provoke laughter relax the nerves. Until now the clown remains awaited event

Sunday, May 15, 2011


God is the best architect, he can create our perfect body,,
did you know what our body doing in 24 hours
1. The heart beats 103,689 times
2. Blood 168 million miles traveled
3. Breathe as much as 23,040 times
4. Inhaling the air as much as 483 cubic meters
5. Ingestion of 1.5 kg of food
6. Meminum 3,5 liter cairan
7. Said as many as 25 000 words
8. Moving the muscle 750
9. Nails grow 0.0012 cm
10.Hair grow 0.94353 cm
11.Brain cells continue to work as many as 7000000

this is so cool, n wonderfull
This always happens every day
(Raymond Erwin)

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