Tuesday, December 20, 2011

JOHN F. KENNEDY 1917-1963

A thousand years to come, both "Peace Corps" or "Alliance for Progress" and the events of "Bay of Pigs" will not be remembered. So did Kennedy's political action in the field of taxation and statutory civil rights. John F. Kennedy listed the book list is only for one reason only: he was the person responsible for the establishment of "Space Program, Apollo." Even if humans did not utter a small object on the sidelines of the ever-busy time, we can be sure that even 5000 years from now our journey to the moon is still considered an extraordinary event, an important event in the history of humanity.
I would perbincangkan importance to the moon program further. First, allow me to connect this issue with a question, is it true John F. Kennedy was one of the most major role in this journey to the moon. Whether or not Neil Armstrong Edwin Aldrin, the first person to actually set foot on the moon? If we put the names of people in this book list on the basis of his fame in the long run, perhaps it should be so, because I suspect more like Neil Armstrong will be remembered the coming year 5000 compared to John F. Kennedy. But from the point of influence, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin completely unimportant. If by reason of this or that because the two of them died two months before the launch of Apollo 11, there will be a dozen astronauts are well trained and highly skilled who are ready to replace it slid to the moon.
Or should we give awards to Wernher von Braun's engineers or other scientists or others who have given donations of mind and power that allows the exploration of space is it? No doubt Wernher von Braun had a larger share in terms of advancing the excavation of the mysteries of outer space (as do its predecessors like Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Robert Goddard and Hermann Oberth H.). However, once the political decision has been taken for the implementation of the Apollo project, not a single scientist - was also the group consisting of topnotch experts - being able to break through this complex problem. Break-hassle trip to the moon was not merely a scientific advancement, but a political decision. Politics that yellow lights and provide 24 billion dollars for this project.
Dated July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 astronauts left the trail foot on the lunar surface, fulfilling the promise Kennedy in May 1961 to land a spacecraft on the moon bermanusia "before the end of this decade"
Well, how about that political decisions? Whether sooner or later the decision will come too even without John F. Kennedy? I guess hard - although this has not so sure - at some point a government decision to finance the trip will take humans to the moon. Of course, John F. Kennedy did not impose this program when people objected.
On the other hand, there is no pressure and urging people to the implementation of the project cost, not abysmal amount of grass. If in 1959 or in 1960, Congress passed the United States Apollo program and provide funds for it, and if the law had been vetoed by President Eisenhower, bisalah say that Kennedy was just carried away by the currents of public opinion. However, the fact suggests the opposite: many Americans want a space program, but there was no fuss in the community who objected to a massive program. Even after the successful Apollo 11, there is no significant public gossip on the issue of whether the program was beneficial to the cost of it. Since 1969, of course, NASA's budget declined profusely once.
Because it is so obvious, is that the leadership of John F. Kennedy, who led the Apollo program was able to walk. Kennedylah that on May 1, 1961 promised that the United States would land a spacecraft of charged man on the moon "before the end of this decade." Was Kennedy who got funding from Congress, and under Kennedy's program was designed. People can be confident that the program to the moon will occur sooner or later (something that is not really sure), but it was clear that Kennedy was the one who did it.
Some people, of course, still feel that the Apollo project is merely quasi-quasi-an only and have no significance. As long as this does not seem signs commemorating the July 20, 1969 as a historic day, for example, the national day. Conversely, we do not know though Columbus day is celebrated in the 16th century, he is celebrated today as a sign of a new era dawn.
In fact, if the Apollo project was never passed, yet still continue to be remembered as the greatest works in perpacuan highest human achievement. But, I guess, the Apollo program will be continued and the journey into space will play a greater role in the future than ever before. If so, our grandchildren will feel that the journey of Apollo 11, as well as Columbus' journey across the Atlantic Ocean, is the starting point of the whole new era in human history.

picture source : here

Saturday, August 13, 2011

One of miss world 2011

Anabel Solis Sosa

source: link

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Most Beautifull People In The World










source: http://www.wayantulus.com/daftar-10-wanita-tercantik-di-dunia

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


this is like an angel

 resource of this picture : link

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Almost irrefutable, a philosopher and scientist Aristotle largest in the world of the past. He pioneered the investigation affairs logic, enriched almost every branch of philosophy and contributed untold amount to knowledge.
Many of Aristotle's ideas are now outdated. But the most important part of what was once done Aristotle is a rational approach that always underlies his work. Reflected in the writings of Aristotle attitude that every facet of human life or society is always open for the objects of thought and analysis. The opinion of Aristotle, the universe was not completely controlled by chance, by magic, by the desire not unfathomable will of god that unexpected, but the behavior of the universe is subject to rational laws. This belief is according to Aristotle is necessary for humans to question every aspect of the natural world in a systematic and we should utilize both empirical observations and logical reasons before making a decision. The series of these attitudes - the opposite of tradition, superstition and mysticism - has deeply affected European civilization.
Aristotle was born in the town of Stagira, Macedonia, 384 BC. His father was a famous physicist. At age seventeen, Aristotle went to Athens to study in Plato's Academy. He stayed there for twenty years until Plato died shortly. From his father, Aristotle may have a boost interest in biology and "practical knowledge". Under the tutelage of Plato he instill an interest in philosophical speculation.
In the year 342 BC, Aristotle went back to Macedonia, a teacher of a child king who thirteen years later in the history of the famous Alexander the Great. Alexander Aristotle educate the young in recent years. In the year 335 BC, after Alexander ascended the throne of the kingdom, Aristotle returned to Athens and there opened her own school, the Lyceum. He was in Athens for twelve years, a period which coincided with Alexander's career of military conquest. Alexander did not ask for advice to his former teacher, but he was kind enough to provide funds for Aristotle to conduct investigations. Maybe this is the first example in history of a scientist to receive a large amount of government funds for purposes of investigation and it is also the last in the centuries that followed.
Even so, allied with Alexander contains various hazards. Aristotle rejected in principle a way of dictatorship when the conqueror Alexander and Alexander's cousin sentenced to death on charges menghianat Aristotle, Alexander also had a mind to kill Aristotle. On the one hand, Aristotle too democratic in the eyes of Alexander, he also had a close relationship with Alexander and trusted by the people of Athens. When Alexander died in 323 BC class of anti-Macedonian in power in Athens and Aristotle was accused of disrespectful to the gods. Aristotle, Socrates thought of the fate that befell the previous 76 years, fled the city and said he would not be given a second chance to the people of Athens to sin against the philosophers. Aristotle died in exile several months later in the year 322 BC at the age of sixty-two years.
Aristotle with his pupil, Alexander
Results astonishing amount of pure Aristotle. Forty-seven of his work still remains. Ancient records list no less than one hundred seventy books of his creation. In fact not just the large number of titles are impressive, but the broad range of material civilization and meditation are also no less-is less powerful. Scientific work is truly encyclopedic knowledge to his era. Aristotle wrote about astronomy, zoology, embryologi, geography, geology, physics, anatomy, psychological study, and almost every time his work was known in ancient Greece. The results of his scientific work, is, in part, a collection of knowledge gained from the paid special assistants to collect data for him, while others are the result of a series of his own observations.
To become an expert at topnotch in every branch of the impossibility of a miracle and no duplicate someone in the aftermath. But what has been achieved by Aristotle even more than that. He was an original philosopher, he was a major contributor in every important field of speculative philosophy, he wrote on ethics and metaphysics, psychology, economics, theology, politics, rhetoric, beauty, education, poetry, customs retarded people and the constitution of Athens. One project is a collection of various domestic investigations are used for comparative studies.
In all likelihood, the most important of the many results of his work is the study of the theory of logic, and Aristotle regarded as the founder of this important branch of philosophy. It is actually thanks to the logical nature of Aristotle's way of thinking that enables them to offer so many disciplines. He has a talent set way of thinking, formulating rules and the types who later became the basis of thinking in many areas of science. Aristotle never kejeblos into the swamp a mystical or extreme. Aristotle always determined to express their opinions practical. Of course, the human name, he also made mistakes. But, really amazing how few mistakes he made in a vast encyclopedia.
Aristotle's influence on the Western way of thinking behind the day really deep. In ancient and medieval times, the results of his work translated into languages ​​of Latin, Arabic, Italian, French, Hebrew, German and English. Greek writers who came later, so did the Byzantine philosophers studying his work and put very admiration. There should also be noted, his thoughts a lot of influence on the philosophers of Islam and the centuries of writings dominated Western thinking. Ibn Rushd (Averroes), perhaps the most prominent Arab philosopher, tried to formulate a synthesis between Islamic theology with Aristotelian rationalism. Maimomides, the most prominent Jewish thinkers of the century was achieved with a synthesis of Judaism. However, the most brilliant work of the kind of conduct that is his Summa Theologia of St. Christian scholars. Thomas Aquinas. Outside of this list is still very much middle of the century intellectuals influenced by the mind so it Aristotle.
Aristotle's admiration for people to become so jumped in the middle of the century when the circumstances have lead to idolatry. In that state the writings of Aristotle is more a sort of wrap questioning intellect telling where the problem further than a kind of beacon in the street. Aristotle is fond of researching and thinking about particulars himself unmistakably less blindly agree with the praise of the next generation of his writings.
Some of the ideas of Aristotle were measured with the glasses seem reactionary now. For example, he supported slavery because it considers in line with a line of natural law. And he believed in the dignity of female modesty than men. Both ideas-of course - reflecting the prevailing view at that time. But, no less than the number of ideas that baffle modern Aristotle, for example the sentence, "Poverty is the father of revolution and crime," and the phrase "Anyone who has pondered deeply the art of governing people must believe that the fate of something emperium depends on the education of children youth. " (Of course, then there is no school as we know it today).
In recent centuries, Aristotle's influence and reputation have declined rather absurdly tall. However, I think his influence is so absorbing and lasted so long that I was sorry not to be placed higher than the level of the order as it is today. Sequence level is now very important mainly due to the thirteen that were before him in the order.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Columbus, in an effort to find a way from Europe to the East, was accidentally met the American continent which makes it more influential in world history, to her surprise yourself. His discovery was also a crown of exploration and colonization of the New World and at the same time also represents an important milestone in the history. Columbus is like opening the door for Europeans two continents for a new settlement, spread population and provide a source of mineral wealth and fill the earth which in turn changed the face of Europe. In parallel with that, the invention also resulted in the destruction of culture of the Indians. In the long run, that discovery gave birth to a new nation in the Western hemisphere continents, which very quickly distinguished themselves from the Indians as the natives. As a result, Columbus brought a big change for the nations in the Old World.
An outline of the story of Columbus is not a new problem. He was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. When leaving an adult, he became a captain and a navigator who deftly. Columbus finally convinced not impossible to find a more practical way to areas in eastern Asia by sailing westward across the Atlantic and he diligently pioneered his determination. Of course this is not the intention of going to happen without considerable cost. That's why Columbus persuaded Queen Isabella I provide a budget for the expedition experiments.
His ship was anchored off the port of Spain on August 3, 1492. Melabuh first in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. Weighed anchor in the Canary Islands on 6 September and sail westward toward the rate. A cruise is not playing long, so it is not strange if the crew was horrified and wanted to return it. Columbus? No! Travel must be forwarded, once abstinence rolled sail. And on October 2, 1492 is like a piece of green silk mainland looks at the bow.
Columbus returned to Spain in March next great exploration was greeted people with great respect. After that he undertook a series of voyages across the Atlantic in the hope of setting foot in China and Japan. But in vain! Columbus remained adamant in his mind that he had found the route to East Asia long before anyone else knew.
Queen Isabella promised Columbus to be governor of the island where he encountered. But, as an administrator he really incompetent so fired from his post and sent home to Spain with his hands shackled. But when he got in Spain he was released just never given the post again. The rumors said that Columbus died in poverty without any funding whatsoever. When his death in 1506 - other news again - there's also the little wealth.

lizard style

lizard way to full their sex

Saturday, July 16, 2011


The same is true with the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. Charles Darwin was the inventor of the theory of organic evolution in the sense that natural selection is at the age of sixteen entered the University of Edinburgh to study medicine, but he considered both medical and anatomical science that makes bored. Soon he moved to Cambridge to learn elements of office administration. Even so, hunt and ride horses in Cambridge digemarinya much more than learning science. And even so, he was nonetheless still able to captivate the attention of one of the Grand Masters are encouraged to participate in a voyage on board HMS investigation Beagle as a naturalist. At first her father objected to this designation. She thought the trip was just kind of pretext alone are reluctant to make Darwin a serious job. Fortunately, later the father could be persuaded, and approved the trip was a journey that ultimately proved to be most valuable in the history of European science.
Darwin began to set sail aboard the Beagle in 1831. At that time he was only twenty-two years. In the five-year voyage, the ship Beagle sailed the world, scour the coast of South America in an exciting pace, explore the Galapagos Islands a quiet secluded, mengambah islands in the Pacific, Ocean Indonesia and the southern Atlantic Ocean. In perkelanaan it, Darwin witnessed many miracles of nature, visiting primitive tribes, found a large number of fossils, examine the various kinds of plants and animals. Furthermore, he made many notes about anything that passes in front of his eyes. These records are the basic ingredient for almost all his work in the future. From the records of these ideas just come, and the events and experiences so support his theories.
Darwin returned to his country in 1836 and twenty years afterwards he published a line of books that made him a famous biologist in the UK. As from 1837, Darwin was convinced that animals and plants are not fixed, but changes in the course of geological history. At that time he was not aware of what causes the occurrence of evolution. In 1838 he read an essay "On the principles of population" of Thomas Malthus. Malthus's book menyuguhkannya facts that push more convinced of natural selection through competition to sustain life. Even after Darwin succeeded in formulating the principles of natural selection, he did not rush to print and publish it. He realized that his theory would invite challenges. Therefore, he takes a long time to carefully prepare the evidence and put the horses to defend the hypothesis if there is an attack.
The outline of his theory written in 1842 and in 1844 he began to compile a lengthy book. In June 1858, when Darwin was still being embellish and refine the book his great work, he received a manuscript from Alfred Russel Wallace (an English naturalist who was located in the East) outlined his own theory of evolution. In each of the basic issues, along with Wallace's theory Darwin's theory! Wallace was developing his theory is really standing on his own and sent the manuscript to Darwin's writings to ask for opinions and commentary from leading scientists that before entering the printing. The situation becomes uncomfortable because it is easily develop into a battle that is not desired to scramble priorities. The solution, both Wallace's manuscript and the outlines of Darwin's theory was simultaneously discussed by a scientific body in the next month.
Simply stunning, this problem is not so pengedepanan ignored people. Darwin's book The Origin of Species was published the following year, causing an uproar. It is in fact probably never have published a book of science that is so widespread and so become the subject of conversation that is so warm, both in environmental scientists and lay people as happen in the book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Strugle for Life. They put forward an argument remain exciting in 1871 when Darwin published The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. This book, put forward the idea that human beings originated from a type of monkey, the added thrill of debate opinions.
Darwin himself did not take part in the debate in public about the theory that flung. It could be because health because after perkelanaannya so parrjang with the ship Beagle (likely due to fever, Chaga disease caused by insect bites in Latin America). And it could be because he felt enough had such a staunch supporter of Thomas H. Huxley a debate champion and defender of Darwin's theory, most scientists agree the basics of Darwin's theory is concerned when niati 1882.
Actually - if you want to talk genuine or not genuine - not the first discoverer of Darwin's theory of evolution. Some people already speak out before him, including the French naturalist Jean Lamarek and Darwin's own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin.
However, their hypothesis is never accepted by the scientific world because it was unable to give confidence how and in what manner the evolution occurs. Darwin's greatest contribution is its ability not only present the mechanism of natural selection that resulted in the occurrence of a natural evolution, but he is also capable of presenting a lot of evidence to support his hypothesis.
Worthy of note, Darwin's theory was formulated without any backrest genetic theory or in fact he did not know anything about that knowledge. In Darwin's time, nobody special schools of the particulars of how a next generation. Although Gregor Mendel's laws is finalizing descendants in those years coincided with the time Darwin wrote and published his book which makes history, the results of Mendel's work that support Darwin's theory is so perfect, almost entirely ignored Mendel people until 1900, when Darwin's theory has so well-established and steady. So, our modern understanding about evolution - which is a combination of genetic science to the law of natural selection descent - more complete than that presented Darwin's theory.
Darwin's influence on human thought in sekah. In terms of pure science, of course, he was committing a revolutionary all aspects of field biology. Natural selection really has a very broad principles and fundamental, and various experiments have been done-its application in various fields such as anthropology, sociology, political science and economics.
Perhaps even more important influence on Darwin's thinking in terms of religion rather than on science or sociology. In Darwin's time and for years afterward, many believers in Christianity believe that accepting Darwin's theory mean lower degree of confidence in religion. Their concern is perhaps no basis even though clearly many other factors that cause so because of the erosion of religious belief. (Darwin himself became a secular).
Even on the basis of secular, Darwinian theory resulted in major changes to the way humans in their thinking about the particulars of their world (the human race it seems) as a whole no longer occupy a central position in the natural scheme of nature as a creature they had akukan. Now we must see ourselves as one part only of the many creatures and we acknowledge the possibility that once a date will be displaced. As a result of the investigation results of Darwin's view of Heraclitus who said, "Nothing is permanent except change" becomes more widely accepted. Successful evolution as a general explanation of the origin of humans have been more solidified confidence in the ability of science to answer any questions the physical world (although not all human problems and human). The term of Darwin, "The strong defeating the weak" and "struggle for life" had become a part of our vocabulary.
Indeed, Darwin's theory will be explained as well though such as Darwin had never lived in the world. Moreover, measured by what has been produced Wallace, this is quite contain the truth, more than anyone else that the particulars contained in this book list. However, the writings of Darwin that has revolutionized biology and antropolgi and he who has changed our view of the place of humanity in the world.

BUDDHA (563 BC - 483 BC)

Prince Gautama Siddhartha Buddha's real name founder of Buddhism, one of the largest religions in the world. Rupandehi king's son, northeast India. border with Nepal. Own Siddhartha (Gautama of the Sakya clan clan) supposedly born in Lumbini, which now included the territory of Nepal. Married at the age of sixteen years with his cousin the same age. Raised in a luxurious palace, Prince Siddhartha did not feel at home with good living lazed, and dogged by a sense not very satisfied. From the glittering palace window he looked into the outside and she saw the poor lying in the streets, not eating late morning, or not able to eat at all. Day by day chasing the necessities of life which never reached as a bundle of wheat in the donkey hanging on the muzzle. Tarolah was a hobo. Meanwhile, the dispossessed were often kehinggapan dissatisfaction, anxiety anxious, disappointed and depressed because of all haunted by the disease every time dragged him to the grave. Siddhartha thought, this situation must be changed. Must be realized the meaning of life in the sense of the word, and not just a temporary pleasure that always overshadowed by the suffering and death.
When twenty-nine years old, shortly after his first son was born, Gautama decided he must leave palace life and mengharnbakan ourselves to the search for truth is not gilding. Thinking is not just to think, but act. With spinach roll he left the palace, without a wife and children, without carrying any goods and property, and became homeless with no penny in my pocket. The first step, for the time being, he is studying from the wise men in those days and after feeling quite bagging science, he arrived at the conclusion of solving the problem of human discontent.
Public opinion, asceticism was the path to true wisdom. On the assumption that Gautama tried to become a monk, many years of fasting and abstinence as good-great. Eventually he realized behavior torturing myself blur the edges just thoughts, and instead leads closer to the truth. Thought had thought, he decided to eat only mild like normal human beings and stop all kinds of meditation because the act is not only useless but can make a skinny body, sluggish, firefly eyes, drowsiness, rheumatic pain, not even close to stupid.
In a quiet peaceful solitude that she struggled with the life of a human problem. Finally one night, when he was sitting under a tree broadleaf and fruit of a pear shape semacarn laden seeds of all kinds, then berdatanganlah puzzle of life issues as if falling on him. Siddhartha reflected in all-night-in and when the sun broke the eastern horizon and she gasped in unison convinced that the already complex issues resolved and then he started calling himself the Buddha "a given illumination."
At that age turned thirty-five years. The remaining age of forty-five years employed the traveled throughout northern India, spreading his new philosophy in front of audiences who are willing to listen. When he died, in 483 BC, already hundreds of thousands of followers of his teachings. Although his remarks are still not written one-petuahnya but admonished by many of his followers memorized by rote, passed down from one generation to the next generation through the mouth alone.
Basic Buddhism can be summarized in what the term adherents "Four virtues of truth:" first, that human life is basically unhappy, secondly, the cause of this unhappiness is to think of self-interest and chained by lust; third, the idea of ​​self-interest own and lust can be pressed out when all passions and desires can be dispensed with, in Buddhism is called nirvana; fourth, weighing the right, think right, talk right, do right, make a living right, trying to correct, given the correct, true meditation. Can ditarnbahkan Buddhism was open for anyone, regardless of whatever race he is, (this distinguishes it from Hinduism).
Moments after Gautama's death this new religion spread slowly. In the 3rd century BC, a great Indian emperor Ashoka converted to named power of Buddhism. Thanks to its support, the spread of Buddhism streaking profusely, not only in India but also in Burma. From here it spread throughout agarna Southeast Asia, Malaysia and Indonesia.
The wind spread the influence was not just blowing to the south but also to the north, broke into Tibet, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Not until there. He mengambah China and claimed the amount of influence that is not artificial and from there crossed over to Japan and Korea.
While India's own new religion began to decline his influence after the year 500 AD approximately even nearly extinct in the year 1200. By contrast in China and in Japan, Buddhism remained the principal religion. Similarly, in Tibet and Southeast Asia that religion had its heyday centuries.
Buddha's teachings are not written until centuries after Gautama's death. Because it is easy understandable why religion is fragmented into various sects. Two major branches of Buddhism are Theravada branch-effects, especially in Southeast Asia and supposedly most of Western scholars is the closest branch of the Buddhist teachings are original. Another branch is the Mahayana, the weight of his influence lies in Tibet, China and also in Southeast Asia in general.
Buddha, as founder of one of the largest religions in the world, certainly worthy ranked almost top levels in this book list. Because the number of followers of Buddhism, lived 200 million compared with the adherents of Islam that 500 million number and the one billion adherents of Christianity, Buddhism itself is smaller than the influence of Muhammad or Jesus. However, the different number of believers, if a measure is exceedingly tight, it could be misleading. For example, the demise or decline of Buddhism in India is not just any slump slump but because Hinduism has absorbed many teachings and principles of Buddhism into his body. In China too, large numbers of people who no longer openly call themselves Buddhists in the practice of everyday life is actually very influenced by the philosophy of religion.
Buddhism, far ahead of both Islam and Christianity, has a very prominent pacifist elements. The view that originate in non-violent play an important role in the political history berpenganut Buddhist countries.
Many people say if someday Isa fell back to earth he would stare surprised to see what people are doing everything in his name, and will be anxious for the bloodshed that occurred in the conflict between different sects of opinion that are equally claim to be followers. So also will happen to the Buddha. He could not be gape-agape watching so many sects of Buddhism are unfolding everywhere everywhere, each different from each other even though they claim to Buddhists. Narnun, however chaotic sects are different from each other is not sarnpai cause bloody religious wars such as occurred in the Christian world of Europe. In this connection, at least means the Buddha's teachings in-depth look much lived by its followers than the teachings of Jesus dalarn same connection.
Buddha and Confucius-Cu have approximately equal influence on the world. Both live in almost the same time period, and the number of his followers were not much different. My choice of putting the Buddha's name ahead of Hu-Cu Kong in order rests on two considerations: first, the development of Communism in China was almost wiped out the influence of Confucius-Cu, while it seems the future Buddha was still more loopholes and influence than in Confucius- Cu, secondly, the failure of the teachings of Confucius-Cu was spread beyond China showed how close the link bertautnya Kong Hu Cu-teaching with the attitude and procedures of the old era of China. Instead, Buddhism contains no repeat statements or chewed previous Indian philosophy, and Buddhism spread to step yard limit country-India-rests Gautama genuine ideas and wide range of philosophies.



The fall of my choice to the Prophet Muhammad in an influential figure in the world might surprise while readers may be a question mark and some others. But I stick to my conviction, he was the Prophet Muhammad was the only man in history who managed to achieve remarkable successes both judging from the size and scope of secular religion.
Origin of a simple family, Muhammad uphold and propagate one of the world's largest religion, Islam. And at the same time appears as a tough leader, genuine, and effective. Today thirteen centuries after his death, his influence remains strong and deep and rooted.
Most of the people listed in this book is a lucky creature because it was born and raised in centers of human civilization, berkultur high and where the political turnaround of the nations. Muhammad was born in the year 570 AD, in Mecca, in the little southern Arabian Peninsula, a place that time was the most backward regions in the world, far from the center of commerce, art and science. Being orphaned at age six, grew up in a situation around a simple and humble. Islamic sources mention that Muhamnmad an illiterate. The new economic situation began to improve at the age of twenty-five years old when he married a widow, resides. However, until nearly forty years of barely visible clues keluarbiasaannya as human beings.
Generally, the Arabs at that time did not embrace a particular religion but a pagan in the town of Mecca there is a small number of adherents, followers of Judaism and Christianity, and the chances of Muhammad for the first time they heard about the existence of one Almighty God, who set up throughout nature. When he was forty years old, Muhammad was convinced that Almighty God is to communicate something to him and chose to become disseminators of right belief.
During the three years to spread the religion of Muhammad is only limited to close friends and relatives. 613 when entering the new year he began performing in public. As soon as he gradually got followers, the ruler of Mecca saw him as a dangerous man, trouble maker. In the year 622, worried about his safety, Muhammad migrated to Medina, a city north of Mecca is 200 miles. In that city he was offered the position of political power that is quite convincing.
The events of this move is an important turning point for the life of the Prophet. In Mecca he had difficulty obtaining a small number of followers, and followers in Medina growing at a brisk pace so that he can gain influence that makes it a real power holders. In subsequent years while the followers of Muhammad unfolding everywhere like mushrooms, a spate of fighting broke out between Mektah and Medina. This war ended in 630 with Muhammad's victory at the party, returned to Mecca as conqueror. The remaining two and a half years of his life he had witnessed tremendous progress in terms of rapid Arab tribes embraced Islam. And when Muhammad died in 632, he was sure he was as effective authority throughout the south of the Arabian Peninsula.
Bedewi tribes have a tradition of hereditary as soldiers are tough and brave. But their numbers are few and always tempted divisions and confront each other mutually. That is why they can not beat the army of the kingdoms established in the agricultural areas in the northern hemisphere. However, Muhammad's first person in history, thanks to a strong impetus to the oneness of God belief, a small Arab armies were able to perform an astonishing series of conquests in human history. In the northeast of the New Persian Empire Arab stand Sassanids wide. In northwestern Arabia stands the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire with Constantinople as its center.
Judging from the point of the number and size, clearly would not be able to deal with Arabs. However, in the field of battle, Arab soldiers burning zeal with lightning strokes can conquer Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine. In 642 Egypt was taken from the grip of the Byzantine Empire, and meanwhile the Persian army got beat in a battle that was crucial in Qadisiya year in Nehavend 637 and 642 years.
However, large-scale conquest - under the leadership of the Prophet's companions and his successor Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab - it shows no signs stop there. In the year 711, Arab armies had swept North Africa up to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. From there they turned north and crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and confront the Visigothic kingdom in Spain.
At first glance one should think the Muslims will cut down all of Christian Europe. But in the year 732, in the famous battle and terrible in Tours, one of the Muslim forces that had advanced to the center of the French interior eventually beaten by the Franks. Even so, in just secuwil century battles, the people of this Bedewi-imbued with the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, had established an empire stretching from the Indian border to the white sand beach of the Atlantic Ocean, the largest empire ever known to human history. And no matter where conquest by Muslim armies, always followed by a flock bondongnya followers into Islam.
Apparently, not all conquest is permanent. The Persians, though still remain faithful followers of Islam, regained its independence from Arab hands. And in Spain, after over seven centuries of warfare finally defeated by the Christians. Meanwhile, Mesopotamia and Egypt, the birthplace of two ancient cultures, remained in Arab hands as well as the entire northern coast of Africa. Islam, of course, continue to spread from one century to another century, stepped away from the conquered regions. Generally, the millions of Muslims scattered in Africa, Central Asia, especially Pakistan and northern India and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the new Islamic religion is a unifying factor. In the Indian subcontinent, almost the opposite: the new religion became the main causes of disunity.
Is the influence of the Prophet Muhammad the most fundamental to the history of mankind? Like other religions, Islam has an enormous influence on its adherents. That is why the spreader-spreader major religions in the world can all be places in this book. If measured by the number, the number of adherents of Christian twice the size of the adherents of Islam, with a question mark arises what the reason for placing the order of the Prophet Muhammad is higher than the Prophet Jesus in the list. There are two main reasons that so my grip. First, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of the role of Islam than Jesus of Christian Religion. Even Jesus is responsible for the basic teachings of Christian morals and ethics (to some extent different from Judaism), St.. Paul is the main disseminator of Christian theology figures, figures penyebarnya, and author of the largest part of the Old Testament.
Instead Muhammad was not only responsible for the theology of Islam but it also points to the ethical and moral. Moreover he is "registrar" Book of Holy Quran, a collection of revelations to Muhammad that he believed came directly from God. The vast majority of this revelation was copied with great sincerity during Muhammad's time and then collected in a form that does not tergoyangkan shortly after he died. The Quran is thus closely related to the views of Muhammad and his teachings because he relied on God's revelation. In contrast, none of which are so detailed collection of the teachings of Jesus that can still be found in the present. Since the Al-Quran for the Muslims more or less equal importance with the Gospel for Christians, the influence of Muhammad through the intermediary of the Al-Quran teramatlah magnitude. Possible influence of Muhammad in Islam is greater than the influence of Jesus and St. Paul Christian in the world combined. Measured from the purely religious angle, it seems that the influence of Muhammad Isa equivalent in the history of humanity.
Furthermore (unlike Jesus) Muhammad is not only religious leaders but also leaders of the world. The fact is, as the driving force against the motion made conquests of the Arabs, the influence of political leadership is in leading position all the time.
From various historical events, one might say it could happen without the leadership of someone special who they are headed. For example, the colonies in South America might be able to free themselves from Spanish colonialism even though Simon Bolivar had never existed in the world. But, this example does not apply to the motion made conquests of the Arabs. No similar incidents before Muhammad, and there is no reason to deny that the conquest could occur and succeed without Muhammad. The only similarity in terms of conquests in human history in the 13th century the most basic part thanks to the influence of Genghis Khan. This conquest, though far-reaching than what the Arabs, it is not able to prove the establishment, and now the only areas occupied by the Mongols was the same before the time of Genghis Khan
This clearly shows a big difference with the conquest by the Arabs. Extending from Iraq to Morocco, the chain stretches a united Arab nation, not only to the fad of Islam but also from the Department of Arabic, history and culture. The central position of the Qur'an among Muslims and written in Arabic, most likely the reason why the Arabic language is not fragmented into dialects that berantarakan. If not, probably would have happened in the century l3. Arab differences and the division into several states would occur, of course, and in fact did so, but the divisions that are in parts that do not necessarily make us negligent that their unity is still tangible. But neither Iran nor Indonesia are both populous Muslim country and both are oil producers, did not join in the attitude of the oil embargo in the winter of 1973 to 1974. Instead of goods is not a coincidence that all the Arab countries, exclusively Arab country, which take the oil embargo.
So, can we see, which made the conquest of the Arabs in the 7th century continue to play an important role in the history of mankind to date. In terms of this I assess the incomparable combination between their religion and worldly aspects inherent to the influence of Muhammad himself, so I think Muhammad was a private in the sense of the most influential man in human history.


This great Italian scientist may be more responsible for the development of the scientific method of anyone. Galileo was born in Pisa, in 1564. While young people studying at the University of Pisa, but stalled because of financial affairs. Yet in 1589 he was able to be teaching position at the university. A few years later he joined the University of Padua, and stayed there until 1610. In this period he created a pile of scientific discoveries.
His first important contribution in the field of mechanics. Aristotle taught, the heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects, and generations of intellectuals to swallow a big opinion of the Greek philosophers of this influence. However, Galileo decided to first try to correct the very least, and through a series of experiments he concluded that Aristotle was wrong. The truth is, both heavy and light objects fall at the same rate except to the extent they decelerates due to a shift in the air. (Incidentally, the habit of throwing objects Galileo's experiment from the Tower of Pisa apparently unknowingly).
Knowing this, Galileo took further steps. Carefully he measured the distance of objects fall at the time specified and received evidence that the distance traversed by a falling object is directly balanced by the number of seconds squared falling objects. This discovery (which means the uniform acceleration) has its own significance. Even more importantly Galileo was enabled to collect the results of his findings with mathematical formulas. Extensive use of mathematical formulas and mathematical methods is an important attribute of modern science.
Galileo's other major contribution was his discovery of the law of inertia. Previously, people believe that objects moving by themselves tend to be more slowly and completely stop if there is no power to add strength to keep moving. But Galileo's experiments proved that the assumption was wrong. Whenever the power to slow down, such as shifting, can be eliminated, moving objects tend to keep moving indefinitely. This is an important principle that has been repeatedly asserted by Newton and coupled with the system itself as the first law of motion of one of the vital principle in science.

KARL MARX (1818 - 1883)

Karl Marx, the main pioneer of the notion of "scientific socialism" was born in 1818 in the city of Trier, Germany, his father a lawyer and at the age of seventeen years of Karl entered the University of Bonn, also studied law. Later he moved to the University of Berlin and then to a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Jena.
Whether it was more interested, Marx plunged into the world of journalism and soon became editor of the Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne. However, radical political views who dragged him into all manner of trouble and forced him to move to Paris. That's where he first met initially with Friedrich Engels. Friendship and equality rope binding political views of these two men as a single bi until his death.
Marx could not long stay in Paris and was soon kicked out of there and must be carrying a suitcase to move to Brussels. In this city, in 1847 he first published his thoughts are important and the poverty of philosophy (philosophy of Poverty). The following year joined hands together with Friedrich Engels published their Communist Manifesto, a book that eventually became the world's literature. In that year, Marx returned to Cologne and then expelled again from there only a few months. After it dissipated dissipated here, finally crossing the Strait of Marx Canal and settled in London until his death.
Although there is little money in koceknya thanks to the journalistic work, Marx spent a large amount of his time in London to investigate and write books about politics and economics. (In those years, Marx and relatives can help the cost of living of her closest friend Friedrich Engels). The first volume of Das Kapital, Marx's most important scientific papers published in 1867. When Marx died in 1883, the second volume of the connections have not been fully completed. Both volumes were compiled and published joints oIeh Engels hold on to his notes and manuscripts left by Marx.
The work of Marx formulated the theoretical basis of Communism. Judging from the remarkable developments of this movement in the 20th century, it is worth, if she has a place in the high-order this book. The problem is, how high?
The main factor for this decision is the calculation of long-term significance in the history of the Communists. Since the growth of Communism as an integral part of contemporary history, was a bit difficult to define carefully its future perspectives. Although no one could ascertain how much Communism can grow and how long this ideology could survive, which is certain he is a strong ideology rooted in a strong and resilient and plunged to earth, and has certainly had a major influence in the world for at least several centuries to come

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